The Membership fee for a calendar year is only $25 per person. This enables you to receive a discount on all Saturday Seminars. Pre-enrolment and payment for seminars, courses and bus trips is essential.
A Season Ticket costs $125. This includes your membership fee, free entry to all Saturday Seminars. We appreciate it if you pre-enrol for all activity as this helps us for planning purposes. Pre-enrolment and payment for seminars, courses and bus trips is essential.
As a member, you get the opportunity to be involved in helping organise and publicise WEA activities, to express your views about policies and programmes, and the opportunity to lead a course or seminar. You will receive a posted programme brochure at the beginning of the year and regular email communication throughout the year. You will also have the satisfaction of helping sustain a longstanding organisation which provides interesting and useful learning in the community.
We need your involvement.
Members' help is valued and appreciated. Your feedback can ensure that our programmes are relevant and exciting. We need your views and suggestions for continued improvement of our programme; future courses, seminars, and bus trips.
As our activities become more extensive, the demands on the committee increases. We value the assistance of keen and willing members to help convene courses, assist with those all-important refreshments, distribute publicity and support our administrator.
While receiving some limited funding from community organisations, we are essentially self-funded. We depend on course fees and the support of our members for revenue. With your continued assistance, we will be able to offer increasingly lively and varied programmes both for our members and for the general public.
Payment Details If you haven’t yet paid your membership fee for this calendar year, you can do so by Internet Banking Account:
Name: Kapiti Coast Workers Educational Association Incorporated
Number: (ASB) 12-3157-0138300-00 – please put your name and the word ‘membership’ in the details of your payment