AGM 2024

Minutes from the AGM 2024

Minutes of the Kapiti Coast WEA Inc. Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 14
May 2024 at the Waikanae Presbyterian Church Lounge

The meeting was chaired by the President, Brian Geary, and commenced at
Preceding the formal AGM, the Deputy-Mayor of the Kapiti Coast District, Cr Lawrence
Kirby, had addressed members on “Community issues and developments in Kāpiti”. A
number of questions followed and Bruce Taylor thanked Lawrence for speaking to us.

Present: Natali Allen, Jocelyn Brace, Joanna Buck, Gordon Cameron, Blanche Charles,
Kevin Clark, Liz Earth, Brian Geary, Jill Hudson, Terry Kennaway, Jan Nimmo, Ricardo
Palma, Joan Pitchforth, Roger Pitchforth, Helen Ridley, Bruce Taylor, Anne Wall,
Rochelle Wilson
Apologies: Robert Brace, Liam O’Shaughnessy, Rowena Taylor

Guest: Cr Lawrence Kirby

Brian welcomed members and our guest to the AGM.

Minutes of 2023 AGM: The 2023 AGM was held on 18 April 2023. The minutes had
been emailed to committee members and were available on the KC WEA website. Hard
copies were available at the meeting.
There was no discussion of the contents of the minutes.

Motion: “That the minutes of the 2023 AGM on 18 April 2023 be accepted as a true and
correct record.” Roger/Joan Carried

Matters Arising from the Minutes:
There were no matters arising.

President’s Report 2024: Copies of Brian’s report were available at the meeting. A
copy is attached in the minute book.
Brian read his report. There was no discussion.
Motion: “That the President’s Report be received” (Bruce/Anne) Carried
2024 Treasurer’s Report and Financial Statements: Gordon presented the 2024
Treasurer’s Report, which contained the Statement of Income and Expenditure for the
year ended 31 December 2023 and the Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2023.
Copies were available at the meeting. A copy is also attached to the minute book.
Gordon reported that the 2023 financial year had produced an improved result.
Membership and course activity had increased over the previous year. WEA was reliant
on grants of almost $7,000. 2023 was the first year without an office. Membership fees
also made a contribution to income. The deficit was $870. Funds on hand at the end of
2023 were $12,915.
Roger commented on the careful management of finances by the committee.
Motion: “That the Treasurer’s Report, which includes the Statement of Receipts and
Payments for 2023 and Balance Sheet as at 31/12/23 be accepted.” Gordon/Ricardo
Education Sub-Committee:
Kevin, chair of the Education Sub-Committee, presented the report of the committee.
Copies were available at the meeting. A copy is attached to the minute book.
Kevin noted the increase in membership and in attendance at activities. Publicity of
events has widened and is increasingly professional as a result of the skills of our New
Administrator, Joanne Buck. Kevin said the committee was always open to new ideas
for courses.

Joan asked how difficult is it to plan 6 months ahead? Would the committee consider
going back to a 6 monthly schedule of courses? There was some discussion of this, but
no clear conclusion. Jocelyn said that KC WEA offers an excellent programme which
“keeps our minds alive”.

Election of Officers:
All existing officers had agreed to continue and two new members had indicated a
willingness to join the committee.
The existing officers were:
President Brian Geary
Vice-President Liam O’Shaughessy
Secretary Bruce Taylor
Treasurer Gordon Cameron
Committee (existing Ordinary Members)
Kevin Clark, Natali Allen, Jill Hudson
The two new members were:
Committee (new Ordinary members)
Ricardo Palma, Terry Kennaway

Motion: That Ricardo Palma and Terry Kennaway be elected to the committee
Roger/Joan Carried

A composite motion was put to re-elect the existing officers.
Motion: That the existing officers be confirmed in their positions
Jocelyn/Blanche Carried

General Business:
1. When does the KC WEA Committee meet? (Ricardo) On the second Tuesday
of each month at 2.00pm. The current venue is the Poppy Room at the Waikanae
War Memorial Hall (enter by side door).
2. Appreciations: Helen appreciated the extra publicity in Otaki and the “terrific
newsletters”. Brian added that we appreciate the contribution of our speakers
which, he said, benefits the local community.

Brian thanked members for their participation and closed the meeting at 4.25pm.

Copies of any report presented to the AGM 2024 can be obtained by KC WEA members contacting the KC WEA

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