(To view upcoming seminars, scroll down and view by month)
Waikanae Presbyterian Church Hall 9:30am - 1pm
Speakers Russel Norman andJonathan Boston
Date Saturday 15th February 9:30am - 1pm
Venue Waikanae Baptist Church Hall, 286 Te Moana Road, Waikanae
Enrolment by 10th February. Phone 027 715 3677 or email kapitiwea@gmail.com
Payment Details: To pay for events please use the bank account details below.
Name: Kapiti Coast Workers Educational Association Incorporated
Number: (ASB) 12-3157-0138300-00 – please put your name and the ref number of the event in the details of your payment
Talk upIf you’re a season ticket holder, member or casual, you can log in here to register for events.